EUSA president: ‘Croatia organized the best Games in history’
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European Universities Games are the largest multi-sport competition in Europe, and a media platform that will mark a milestone for further development of Croatian university sports.
SponsorshipDuring the european Universities Games Zagreb – Rijeka 2015, between 1,500 and 2,000 volunteers will live a unique experience in this great cultural and multi-spors event. Volunteers will be the backbone of the organization.
VolunteeringGames opening in:
Rijeka’s multicultural Mediterranean style and Zagreb’s cultural and sports tradition will serve as a frame for the 3rd European Universities Games in 2016. In the period between July 12 and July 25 in 2016, universities of Rijeka and Zagreb will host over 5000 participants, students of more than 300 universities from 45 European countries. Competitions will be held in the highest ever number of sports – 21, to be exact: badminton, bridge, futsal, golf, judo, karate, basketball and basketball 3v3, football, chess, sport climbing, table tennis, para – table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, swimming and para-swimming, rugby 7, handball, waterpolo and rowing. We are especially proud to announce that, for the first time, sport competitions for students with disabilities, will be held.
As a part of the European Universities Games, a Rectors’ Conference will be held from July 12 to July 13 at the University of Rijeka, primarily focused on university sports, with special emphasis on dual careers for student athletes. With this Rectors’ Conference we would like to gather the heads of European universities in order to discuss the state of, as well as options for the development of sports at the universities and the status of student athletes in higher education. Our aim is to exchange ideas, experiences and examples of good practice in various European and Northern American universities which have a developed system of dual careers for student athletes. It is our hope that the participants will adopt a joint Memorandum of understanding, by which they will declare a common stance to serve as a foundation for future action on the question of dual careers for student athletes and university sports.
Arrivals – Opatija (Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska cvijeta)
20:30 – 21:00 Receptions at Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska cvijeta (Room Oleander)
21:00 – 21:30 Welcome speech: Chairman: Zrinko Čustonja, Ph. D., President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation and 3rd European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016
o Mr. Damir Boras, Ph. D. / President of the Croatian Rectors’ Conference and Rector of the University of Zagreb
o Mr. Pero Lučin, Ph. D. / Rector of the University of Rijeka
o Mr. Haris Pavletić / Vice- President of the EUG 2016, President of the Rijeka University Sports Association
o Mr. Ivo Dujmić / Mayor of the City of Opatija
o Mr. Vojko Obersnel / Mayor of the City of Rijeka
o Mr. Zlatko Komadina / President of the Primorsko-Goranska County
21:30 – 23:00 Dinner at Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska cvijeta (Room Oleander)
9:00 – 9:30 Reception at Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska cvijeta (Room Lavanda)
9:30 – 10:30 Welcome speeches: Chairman: Marko Žunić, Secretary General of European Universities Games Zagreb – Rijeka 2016
o Pero Lučin, Ph. D. / Rector of the University of Rijeka
o Mr. Damir Boras, Ph. D. / President of the Croatian Rectors’ Conference and Rector of the University of Zagreb
o Mr. Zrinko Čustonja, Ph. D. / President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation and 3rd European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016
o Mrs. Lea Meister / President of the European Students’ Union
o Mr. Oleg Matytsin / President of The International University Sports Federation
o Mr. Adam Roczek / President of the European University Sports Association President
o Mrs. Martine Rahier, Ph. D. /Vice-President of the European University Association
o Mr. Krešo Zadro, Ph. D. / Assistant Minister, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 13:15 Lectures and discussions
Keynote speakers:
Chairman: Vice – Rector Snježana Prijić – Samaržija, Ph. D. / President of Academic Activities Department
o Mr. Mark Emmert / President of The National Collegiate Athletic Association
o Mr. Adam Roczek / President of European University Sports Association
o Mr. Joao Gabriel Silva, Ph. D / Rector of the University of Coimbra
o Mr. Zrinko Čustonja, Ph. D. / President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch and University of Rijeka Campus tour
15:00 – 17:30 Round table at Faculty of Civil Engineering
Chairman: Gordan Kožulj, Organizing Committee EUG 2016
o Damir Knjaz, Ph. D. / Dean Faculty of Kinesiology
o Ana Znaor / World champion in Kickboxing
o Mihovil Španja / Swimming champion
o Dalibor Krpan / Founder of Taekwondo Academy, University of Rijeka
17:30 – 18:00 Adoption of conclusions and closing of the Conference
18:30 – 20:00 Social Activities (sport games)
20:00 – 22:30 Official dinner at Hotel NAVIS
Presentation: Rijeka 2020 European Capital of Culture Project
9:30 Departure for Zagreb (Hotel Sheraton or Hotel West In)
11:30 – 12:15 Meeting with the Rector of the University of Zagreb (Rectors office)
14:00 – 15:30 EUSA Reception (Hotel Panorama, Zagreb)
18:00 – 20:00 Reception hosted by the Rector of the University of Zagreb and the President of the
3rd European Universities Games (Botanic Garden)
21:00 – 23:00 Opening Ceremony of the 3rd European Universities Games (Athletic Stadium Sports
Park Mladost, Zagreb)
Mail: [email protected]
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Zagreb-Rijeka, Croatia: July 12 – 25, 2016
The 3rd edition of the European Universities Games will be held in the Croatian cities Zagreb and Rijeka in July 2016. Sport featured are Badminton, Basketball, Basketball 3×3, Beach Volleyball, Bridge, Chess, Football, Futsal, Golf, Handball, Judo, Karate, Rowing, Rugby 7’s, Sport Climbing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball and Water Polo. Two of the sports – Table Tennis and Swimming – will also include competitions for students with disabilities. Apart of the sports competitions, the Games will be accompanied by the Rector’s Conference, educational side-events, cultural program and other activities.
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25 July – 11 P.M.
After the great Closing ceremony the only thing that is left is to party! Some of you will celebrate their big success, most of you will regret for going home so soon, but all of you will spend the best & the last night of this Games with old and new competitors on a court and friends in a life.
Mystique Club – Riva 6 , Rijeka
Sun, 24 Jul at 21 hrs: Rijeka, behind the building of Academy of Art (free entrance)
“Without Hamlet” is an award-winning play that explores what would happen to Hamlet if its protagonist took a day off. Whilst turning the world’s best-known tragedy into a comedy, the performers still pay hommage to the great work by citing its best quotes and putting the work into a modern-day context.
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