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Passing by in Rijeka: Serving justice at the Games


News - Passing by in Rijeka: Serving justice at the Games

An integral part of all sports competitions are the people who make sure that the matches are played according to the rules and that in the end, the best player or team really does win.

But those people also often become targets of fans’ hatred because of their decisions that not everyone agrees with, and they rarely get complimented for their efforts. Renata Grabar, referee of the swimming competition, is expecting fair play and competitive spirit from the swimmers. So far, the competition has been going smoothly. She said that the swimmers’ behaviour is on par with all the competitions she has presided in her 15-year career. She is especially happy with the organization.

Bore Šrbac, judo referee, is expecting interesting matches because many highly ranked male and female judo players are competing at the Games. He added that the preparations in the Zamet Centre and the organization of the tournament were executed spectacularly well.

Ivan Šverko, 3×3 basketball official, said he was happy with the quality of the tournament, because the participants came from the highest-ranking clubs in their countries. He added that this tournament is a highly competitive event and can therefore often fire up tensions. Nevertheless, the matches usually end on a friendly note.

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