Games opening in:

Fueled by positive energy, the accreditation team successfully survives the EUG


News - Fueled by positive energy, the accreditation team successfully survives the EUG

The Games will last for only one more day, but for the accreditation team, the work is not done yet, as the visitors and participants of the grand closing ceremony need accreditation passes. Still, this is one of the few teams in the Games that had contact with all the participants – organizers, volunteers, partners, competitors, the media, and visitors.

‘There was a great challenge ahead of us, because we were the first contact that participants had with the Games, so we tried to welcome everyone with a smile’, said Josipa Zubak, the head of the accreditation team and EUG 2016 Safety Committee member.

‘I want to thank the participants of the Games for their patience and understanding during the accreditation procedure, because the accreditation passes were not just a ‘ticket’ for the Games, but also the official identification document of every member of the EUG family.

‘This huge amount of work could not have been done without the accreditation team that has handed out over 12,000 accreditation passes in Zagreb and Rijeka so far. As the participants were arriving at different times, during day and night, the accreditation team was always on standby, and ready to welcome several thousands of people a day’, pointed out Zubak.

Sanja Divković, a volunteer in the accreditation team in Rijeka, confirmed that volunteers would sometimes work all night to get everything done.

‘Some days were exhausting, but the people are nice and fueled by positive work energy, we got through it all successfully,’ said Sanja.

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