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University of Rijeka


The University of Rijeka, since its beginnings to the present day, truly believes that the establishment of a “knowledge based society” is the only way for long-term successful development of the society as a whole.

With this objective in mind, the University attempts to achieve its mission as successfully as possible, namely through its three fundamental roles: educational, scientific-research and social. In doing so it is very clear that the fulfilment of these tasks is not at all simple and that it requires many years of hard work and effort from all teaching staff, employees, associates and most of all students. However, aside from this, it is also necessary to note that success in all three fields requires honest connections with all segments of society in which it operates. This includes the business sectorthe local government and self-government, other educational, scientific and research institutions as well asall the citizens who want to assist in any way in the creation of a “knowledge based society”. The University of Rijeka attempts to be a modern and dynamic university which conducts quality and efficient education based on the outcomes of learning, conceptions of life-long education and social sensitivity, promoting mobility and development of research careers.

The Rijeka University was founded in 1973, and since then the number of teaching staff and researchers keept increasing. Aside from numerous young people currently employed at the University, great efforts are being made to bring back to Croatia many renowned Croatian researchers from around the world.

Host cities & universities

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The port


Due to its positioning, history was not kind to the inhabitants of Rijeka, but nevertheless it taught them much. First and foremost it taught them tolerance and openness, two characteristics that make life more beautiful and pleasant, particularly in the contemporary world which is characterised to a much larger extent by connections rather than divisions.

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University of Rijeka

Since 1973, University of Rijeka attempts to be a modern and dynamic university.

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The capital


Zagreb, the capital city of the Republic of Croatia, is one of the most beautiful, but also one of the youngest European capitals. With county status of a city, Zagreb is the administrative, economic, diplomatic and cultural centre of the country.

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University of Zagreb

The oldest Croatian university and also the oldest university in South East Europe.

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12 Jul

European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016

25 Jul

Goodbye party

24 Jul

Without Hamlet

Sport doesn't build character, it reveals it


Winners never quit, losers never win


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