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Double win for Sterling, Vučemil the best golfer of the tournament


News - Double win for Sterling, Vučemil the best golfer of the tournament

The men’s and women’s golf tournament have ended. Even though the winners of the women’s tournament were clear, including their final rankings, the men’s final was very dramatic.

Stirling University reached first place in the men’s competition on Friday, and managed to stay there in the final to win the gold medal. Three universities fought for the other two medals, with the University of Munich leading the race. Still, they didn’t manage to win second place, losing to the powerful University of Ulster from Ireland.

Croatia stayed in fourth place, but it has its champion.

Ivan Vučemil is the best player in the individual category, ahead of Mihail Dimitrijević and Chris McClean.
It can now be said that everything was over in the women’s tournament after the very first day, when Stirling University took the lead. The brilliant British players have stayed there ever since. Second and third place also went to teams from the British Isles. St Andrews is second, Exeter third.

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